Prep Schools in Toronto Empower Students through Practical Learning

Prep Schools in Toronto Empower Students through Practical Learning

Preparing for Excellence

Preparatory schools in Torontofocus on teaching students effective study habits required to achieve success in post-secondary schooling and beyond. While many high schools focus on helping students achieve the grades required for acceptance into the post-secondary institution of their choice, prep schools in Toronto are devoted to giving students the tools to ensure excellence in all future endeavors, including post-secondary and beyond.


Private schools are heavily focused on character-development, which is achieved via a curriculum devoted to educating on core subjects as well as social and leadership skills. Preparatory schools have a very selective admissions process designed to identify highly motivated individuals who exhibit behaviours and values in line with the school’s ideals. Prep schools in Toronto also boast an exclusive faculty. School administrations seek out highly qualified individuals that are the top of their class in core subjects. Combined with smaller class sizes, these elite teachers build confidence amongst parents and students – ensuring that each know they are getting the best when it comes to their education. When paying tuition, it is comforting for parents to know they are getting a high return on their educational investment.


Support System for Students

While many students can achieve the grades they need to get into the university of their choosing; balancing the heavier workload with social activities can sometimes be overwhelming, causing high levels of stress and the inability to attain the grades they could before. Prep schools in Toronto connect with parents to come up with a "team plan” to motivate students towards success. Teachers and parents often communicate more frequently in private school settings than in public schools. With a full support system, students have an opportunity to flourish in this learning environment versus a public-school system.


Prep schools are focused not only on helping students achieve academic excellence but also on developing well-rounded individuals who are capable of balancing work and leisure. By encouraging involvement in athletics and social-based clubs, students learn how to effectively and proportionately balance academic courses with extra-curricular activities. Private schools offer a wide variety of clubs and teams, enabling each student to find an activity that suits his or her needs for positive social engagement, while developing long-lasting and fulfilling relationships with peers.


Smaller Class Sizes, Greater Focus

With smaller class sizes, teachers are able to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student in order to help them overcome personal learning obstacles. No child is just a face in the crowd and students feel more confident about opening up, asking questions and engaging in group discussions. By establishing a relationship between students, teachers and parents, the pathways of communication are opened and the students are planted firmly on the road to personal success. Empowered, students also develop a keen self-esteem and feel that their voice is truly heard.


In addition to academics and extra-curricular activities, the following aspects are heavily integrated into the day-to-day life of a private school student:

  • Emphasis on personal and social responsibility
  • Development of leadership skills and teamwork
  • Technology-based education
  • Specialized elective classes

The above factors all contribute to a well-rounded learning environment for any child. Prep schools in Toronto often include community services as a credit for students to graduate. This not only builds a sense of community responsibility but gives students the opportunity to learn about the city’s social concerns. It is important for students to understand that they must play an active role in their own education by asking questions and engaging with their teachers and peers. It is the vision of any private school to instill the value of learning in its pupils, making them want to continue their education beyond high school to achieve their optimum potential.


Prep schools in Toronto engage and empower students to not just make the grade but to set the pace for their post-secondary education. They instill confidence and provide life skills that students will take with them well past their school years.

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Toronto Prep School
250 Davisville Avenue, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M4S 1H2
TTC Directions
Subway To Davisville Station, 11 Bayview or 28 Davisville Bus to Mt. Pleasant.
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